Wednesday 21 September 2016


 A blog is something that you have to be dedicated and consistent with, and as much of a busy-body. Something that takes up so much of my time? I just could not commit to, however, I came to a realisation the other day, that I want to share my experience of being a mummy and passion for fashion and make up.
The typical image of a mummy of a baby is very tired, mismatched clothes and hair of frazzled. I want to change that view of a being a mum, i want to share how being a young mum we can still be fashionable (with tamed hair!). I want this blog to be for young mums, old mums, students (basically for everyone). 
So after my realisation, I have decided it is time to commit. It is time to set myself a challenge and see how long I can actually stick to this. So wish me luck!